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Teaching AP Computer Science Lessons with Brainfuck and Java

By: Abheek DhawanCreated: Tags: [programming,java,esolangs,]

Recently, I had to make a project where people learn concepts from AP Computer Science by doing--meaning I had to create a sort of template project in Java that could be filled in by someone else to learn past concepts as a review. As brainfuck is already something I'm familiar, I thought there could be nothing better than to write another interpreter, albeit a slightly faster one.



As I said in the other article about brainfuck, the spec is along the lines of this:

>: move the pointer to the next cell
<: move the pointer to the previous cell
+: increment the data in the current cell
-: decrement the data in the current cell
.: output the ASCII character at the current cell
,: get a single character input and store it in the current cell
[: run normally unless the current cell is at 0, in which case jump past the matching ]
]: go back to the matching [ if the current cell is not 0

Unlike last time, I wanted to first make some things more efficient, so I decided to use hash maps to match brackets together instead of iterating every time. This way, if I was on one bracket I could jump to the other easily and I was able to fill the hash maps (one for open to close brackets and one the other way around) once in the beginning.

Filling them looked something like this:

public class Interpreter { ... private HashMap<Integer, Integer> openToClose = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private HashMap<Integer, Integer> closeToOpen = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private void fillBracketMaps() { for (int i = 0; i < parser.getSourceStripped().length(); i++) { if (parser.getSourceStripped().charAt(i) == '[') { char closeBracket = '['; int depth = 0; int j = i; while (closeBracket != ']' || depth >= 0) { j++; String strippedSource = parser.getSourceStripped(); closeBracket = strippedSource.charAt(j); if (closeBracket == '[') depth++; else if (closeBracket == ']') depth--; } openToClose.put(i, j); closeToOpen.put(j, i); } } } ... }

Outside of this concept however, I decided to at least try to stay at least somewhat in touch with interpreter/compiler file structures, meaning I have to start with the lexer and the parser.


I decided to jump straight into the parser since the lexer could just run character by character. I first created an enum to keep track of the different commands:

public class Parser { ... // an enum is just a way to have a defined set of possible values public enum Command { POINTER_RIGHT, POINTER_LEFT, INC_CELL, DEC_CELL, OUTPUT, INPUT, OPEN_BRACKET, CLOSE_BRACKET, EOF } ... }

I then decided to give the class three properties: the source (of course!), the stripped source storing just the commands and nothing extra, and a "pointer" (index) of the current character in the stripped source while iterating through it.

private String source = ""; private String sourceStripped = ""; private int tokenPointer = 0; ... private void stripSource() { for (char c : source.toCharArray()) { if (new String("><+-.,[]").indexOf(c) != -1) sourceStripped += c; } }

I then made a function called getNextToken which takes no parameters and just returns whatever command the current character represents from the enum. Here's what the template looks like for other students following the activity:

public Command getNextToken() { // return EOF if it's past the last token: // create a ret var of type Command: switch (sourceStripped.charAt(tokenPointer)) { case '>': ret = Command.POINTER_RIGHT; break; case '<': ret = Command.POINTER_LEFT; break; case '+': ret = Command.INC_CELL; break; case '-': ret = Command.DEC_CELL; break; case '.': ret = Command.OUTPUT; break; case ',': ret = Command.INPUT; break; case '[': ret = Command.OPEN_BRACKET; break; case ']': ret = Command.CLOSE_BRACKET; break; } // increment the tokenPointer to move to the next token when the function is // called again return ret; }

That's the end of the functions for the parser, now it's time for the interpreter.

The Interpreter class had the memory cells (just an array of 30,000 ints), a pointer (current index in cells), a parser object to... parse, and the hash maps mentioned above.

It also had just one public function run which looped through all commands using getNextCommand from the parser until it hit the EOF. For each token, it ran the handleCommand function which took in a command for the current command and the index of said command since getNextToken increments the index and I didn't want to use parser.getTokenIdx() - 1 for clarity. Here's what the template functions look like:

// main loop function public void run() { // write code here to loop through all parser tokens until EOF // calling the `handleCommand` function to determine what to do depending on // the token type } // this function takes the command and the current character index in case // you would like to use it private void handleCommand(Parser.Command command, int idx) { switch (command) { case POINTER_RIGHT: // code goes here break; case POINTER_LEFT: // code goes here break; case INC_CELL: // code goes here break; case DEC_CELL: // code goes here break; case INPUT: // code goes here break; case OUTPUT: // code goes here break; case OPEN_BRACKET: // code goes here break; case CLOSE_BRACKET: // code goes here break; case EOF: // never happens } }

From there, one only has to create a main function and initialize an interpreter with some source, and then use the run method. Example:

import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(Files.readString(Paths.get("input"))); interpreter.run(); } }

I also created tests along the way so students could easily check their progress with VS Code's integrated test runner. Here's an example of one of those tests:

public class ParserTest { ... @Test public void strip() { Parser parser = new Parser( "1 +++++ +++ Set Cell #0 to 8\n" + "2 [\n" + "3 >++++ Add 4 to Cell #1; this will always set Cell #1 to 4\n" + "4 [ as the cell will be cleared by the loop\n" + "5 >++ Add 4*2 to Cell #2\n" + "6 >+++ Add 4*3 to Cell #3\n" + "7 >+++ Add 4*3 to Cell #4\n" + "8 >+ Add 4 to Cell #5\n"); assertTrue(parser.getSourceStripped().equals("++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+")); } ... }

Finally, I gave students instructions in the README and added a solution branch with a possible filled out version of the code.


Overall, it was a fun experience to have a backwards perspective of learning AP CS by creating a lesson for other students and I rather enjoyed getting to explore things like Java tests and hash maps further.